Archives mensuelles : novembre, 2001


« Yes Lord, forgive France for speaking the right path and taking side alleys ». Léopold Sédar Senghor, Hosties noires (1948)At a time when people are wondering quite when and where the…


According to Philippe David, « the native villages made a positive contribution to the slow and clumsy mutual understanding of peripheral peoples »*. In his book, Villages noirs et visiteurs africains et…


« And the show goes on »: Philippe David insists on continuity in the representation of exoticism throughout history and on the intercultural encounters offered by « native villages ». He speaks out against…


It is important to analyse how the Other was viewed in the colonial era if we are to understand the prejudices still at work today. Human zoos offer one very…


Very few African artists depict the colonial occupation. Stephen Kappata (Zambia) recalls a childhood marked both by humiliation and fascination. An exploration of memory.


The Gabonese novelist Ludovic Emane Obiang first made a name for himself when he published L’enfant des masques in 1999 (Editions N’Dzé/L’Harmattan). He is also a musicology lecturer at the…


The French today continue to question whether or not it is possible to live together. Marked by a cultural blending that results from colonial History, France remains wary of intermixing,…


Jacques Chevrier’s work offers an overview of ethnology in reverse, showing how Africans also have clichés about white people.


From the early days of the colonial conquests, in the mid 19th Century, an imaginary was created around the virgin lands of the black continent. This imaginary had to maintain…


The « exotic » woman, as a symbol of the foreign country to be conquered or subjugated, and as sexual partner, is the means through which the colon approaches the Other, the…


In her latest essay published with Editions la Découverte entitled L’Occident et les Autres: histoire d’une suprématie (to be published by Zed Books in English in December 2002 under the…


Let’s be quite clear. Contemporary Africa is the fruit of colonisation. Let’s say it again. Colonisation made us aware of this geographic entity we call Africa when it carved up…


« Oui Seigneur, pardonne à la France qui dit bien la voie droite et chemine par les sentiers obliques » Léopold Sédar Senghor, Hosties noires (1948)Dans une atmosphère où l’on se demande…


La conférence internationale sur le racisme a défrayé la chronique jusqu’à ce que l’horreur des attentats qui ont frappé les Etats-Unis ne prenne le dessus de l’actualité. Les affrontements parfois…


Le livre est né d’une image : « un petit garçon assis aux pieds de sa grand-mère sur la galerie ensoleillée d’une petite ville de province ». C’est l’été 63, un été…


L’Afrique parisienne, quelque part entre Château-Rouge et Clignancourt, est la scène du « Ballet noir » d’Achille Ngoye. A l’origine, un trafic de cartes de séjour qui tourne mal pour un sans-papiers,…


Huitième roman de J. M. Coetzee, primé par le Booker Prize en 1999, Disgrâce révèle une Afrique du Sud incapable de se libérer de ses vieux démons.

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