Fiche Film
© Dv8 Films
Ten year old Tembi and her eight year old brother, Kwezi, lose their mother. Their aunt is supposed to take care of them, but once she’s sold the few things they have, she disappears. The children are left with nothing but a traditional Zulu mat made by their mother before she died. Taking their destiny in her hands, Tembi convinces her brother that they should go to the big city of Durban. But once they arrive, they find themselves adrift in a terrifying metropolis. The very essence of Tembi and Kwezi’s bonds are threatened as the city becomes a monster that threatens to completely overwhelm and defeat our courageous youngsters…
My Secret Sky follows the journey of two young children as they travel from their rural village to the city after their mother’s death. Thembi aims to fulfill her mother’s dream, but it is only when she reaches out to her little brother that she begins to find her own dream.
Length: 96 minutes
Original Language: Zulu
Subtitled Versions: English, French
Aspect Ratio: 1:1.77
Delivery Format: HD, Digibeta (Colour, PAL)
Dv8 Films
Vuleka Productions
in association with
National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF)
South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)
Department of Trade and Industry of South Africa (DTI)
Ster-Kinekor Distribution
Fonds Images Afrique/French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
A film by Madoda Ncayiyana
Sobahle Mkhabase as THEMBI
Sibonelo Malinga as KHWEZI
Tshepang Mohlomi as CHILI-BITE
Original Music Score Sazi Dlamini
Director of Photography Mike Downie
Editor Kosta Kalarytis
Sound Design Warrick Sony
Line Producer Frank Perold
Production Designer Simon Joyner
1st Assistant Director Eva Franzen
Co-Producer Julie Frederikse
Executive Producers Michelle Wheatley and Moroba Nkawe
Written by Julie Frederikse and Madoda Ncayiyana
Produced by Jeremy Nathan
Directed by Madoda Ncayiyana
THEMBI: Sobahle Mkhabase
KHWEZI: Sibonelo Malinga
CHILI-BITE: Tshepang Mohlomi
ZOZO: Sanelo Ndawo
COOKIE: Sizwe Xaba
MAYOYO: Andiswa Mkhize
SURVIVOR: Siboniso Nkosi
JABU: Slindile Nodangala
MAMA: Joy Mbewana
TONY: Michael Gritten
Director and Co-writer: Madoda Ncayiyana
Co-writer: Julie Frederikse
Cinematographer: Mike Downie
Original Music Score: Sazi Dlamini
Editor: Kosta Kalarytis
Sound Designer: Warrick Sony
1st Assistant Director: Eva Franzen
Line Producer: Frank Perold
World Sales
Dv8 Films
Jeremy Nathan | Moroba Nkawe | Michelle Wheatley
PO Box 308, Parklands, 2121
Johannesburg, South Africa
2010 Verona International African Film Festival
* Audience Award
2009 International Pan African Film Festival in Tarifa, Spain in May, including the Best Actress award for
2009 Cannes Pan-African Film Festival
* Dikalo Award for Best Feature Film
2009 International Film Festival of Kerala
* Best Debut Film
2009 Zanzibar International Film Festival
* Signis Award for Best Film
Tembi, una niña de diez años, y Kwezi, su hermano menor, pierden a su madre. Su tía debe ocuparse de ellos, pero se limita a vender lo poco que tienen antes de desaparecer. Su único patrimonio es una alfombrilla zulú hecha por su madre antes de morir. Tembi decide hacerse cargo del destino de ambos, y convence a su hermano para que vayan a la gran ciudad de Durban. Una vez allí, no saben qué hacer en la terrible metrópoli. Incluso la fuerte unión entre los hermanos se ve amenazada por una ciudad monstruosa que podría acabar con los dos jóvenes y valientes protagonistas.
Izulu lami (Mi cielo secreto | Mon ciel secret | My Secret Sky)
Madoda Ncayiyana
Sudáfrica – 2008- 90′- Digibeta – color – VO zulú – Subtitulado español
Dirección / Réalisation / Director: Madoda Ncayiyana
Producción / Production / Producers: DV8 Films, Vuleka Productions
Guión / Scénario / Screenplay: Madoda Ncayiyana, Julie Frederikse
Fotografía / Image / Cinematography: Mike Downie
Sonido / Son / Sound: Warrick Sony
Música / Musique / Music: Sazi Dlamini
Montaje / Montage / Editing : Kosta Kalarytis
Intérpretes / Interprètes / Cast : Sobahle Mkhabase, Sibonelo Malinga, Tshepang Mohlomi, Sanele Ndawo, Sizwe Xaba
Orvoiksi jääneet veljekset Thembi, 10, ja Khwezi, 8, matkaavat maaseudulta Durbanin suurkaupunkiin. Mukanaan heillä on äidin punoma matto, koska kotikylässä vieraillut pappi oli rohkaisuut äitiä osallistumaan matolla käsityökilpailuun. Kun veljekset yrittävät Durbanissa löytää samaisen papin, he ajautuvat 12-vuotiaan kovanaaman Chili Biten johtamaan katulapsijengiin. Katuelämää lasten näkökulmasta tuoreesti lähestyvä elokuva vakuuttaa inhimillisyydellään ja loistavien lapsinäyttelijöiden voimin. Vaikka lasten elämä on vaaroja täynnä, elokuva luo toivoa paremmasta tulevaisuudesta.
Etelä-Afrikka | 2009 | 93 min
Ohjaaja: Madoda Ncayiyana
Elokuva on zulunkielinen ja tekstitetty englanniksi.
LONG Métrage | 2008
Izulu Lami (Mon ciel secret)

© Dv8 Films
Titre original : Izulu lami (Mi cielo secreto)
Pays concerné : Afrique du Sud
Support : DVD
Durée : 96 minutes
Genre : drame
Type : fiction
Site web :
À l’âge de dix ans, Tembi et son frère de huit ans perdent leur maman. Leur tante vient pour s’occuper d’eux. Malheureusement, après avoir vendu toutes les possessions de la famille, elle abandonne les enfants qui n’arrivent à sauver qu’un petit tapis zoulou que leur mère avait fait avant de mourir. Prenant leur destin en main, Tembi convainc son jeune frère de partir pour la grande ville, Durban. Là-bas, ils se retrouvent abandonnés à eux-mêmes dans la terrifiante métropole. Le fort lien qui les unit se trouve menacé par ce monstre qui risque de vaincre nos deux jeunes protagonistes…
de Madoda Ncayiyana, Afrique du Sud – 2008- 1h30′- Digibeta – couleur – VO zoulou
THEMBI: Sobahle Mkhabase
KHWEZI: Sibonelo Malinga
CHILI-BITE: Tshepang Mohlomi
ZOZO: Sanelo Ndawo
COOKIE: Sizwe Xaba
MAYOYO: Andiswa Mkhize
SURVIVOR: Siboniso Nkosi
JABU: Slindile Nodangala
MAMA: Joy Mbewana
TONY: Michael Gritten
de Madoda Ncayiyana, Afrique du Sud – 2008- 1h30′- Digibeta – couleur – VO zoulou
THEMBI: Sobahle Mkhabase
KHWEZI: Sibonelo Malinga
CHILI-BITE: Tshepang Mohlomi
ZOZO: Sanelo Ndawo
COOKIE: Sizwe Xaba
MAYOYO: Andiswa Mkhize
SURVIVOR: Siboniso Nkosi
JABU: Slindile Nodangala
MAMA: Joy Mbewana
TONY: Michael Gritten
Izulu lami (My Secret Sky)
Ten year old Tembi and her eight year old brother, Kwezi, lose their mother. Their aunt is supposed to take care of them, but once she’s sold the few things they have, she disappears. The children are left with nothing but a traditional Zulu mat made by their mother before she died. Taking their destiny in her hands, Tembi convinces her brother that they should go to the big city of Durban. But once they arrive, they find themselves adrift in a terrifying metropolis. The very essence of Tembi and Kwezi’s bonds are threatened as the city becomes a monster that threatens to completely overwhelm and defeat our courageous youngsters…
My Secret Sky follows the journey of two young children as they travel from their rural village to the city after their mother’s death. Thembi aims to fulfill her mother’s dream, but it is only when she reaches out to her little brother that she begins to find her own dream.
Length: 96 minutes
Original Language: Zulu
Subtitled Versions: English, French
Aspect Ratio: 1:1.77
Delivery Format: HD, Digibeta (Colour, PAL)
Dv8 Films
Vuleka Productions
in association with
National Film and Video Foundation (NFVF)
South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC)
Department of Trade and Industry of South Africa (DTI)
Ster-Kinekor Distribution
Fonds Images Afrique/French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
A film by Madoda Ncayiyana
Sobahle Mkhabase as THEMBI
Sibonelo Malinga as KHWEZI
Tshepang Mohlomi as CHILI-BITE
Original Music Score Sazi Dlamini
Director of Photography Mike Downie
Editor Kosta Kalarytis
Sound Design Warrick Sony
Line Producer Frank Perold
Production Designer Simon Joyner
1st Assistant Director Eva Franzen
Co-Producer Julie Frederikse
Executive Producers Michelle Wheatley and Moroba Nkawe
Written by Julie Frederikse and Madoda Ncayiyana
Produced by Jeremy Nathan
Directed by Madoda Ncayiyana
THEMBI: Sobahle Mkhabase
KHWEZI: Sibonelo Malinga
CHILI-BITE: Tshepang Mohlomi
ZOZO: Sanelo Ndawo
COOKIE: Sizwe Xaba
MAYOYO: Andiswa Mkhize
SURVIVOR: Siboniso Nkosi
JABU: Slindile Nodangala
MAMA: Joy Mbewana
TONY: Michael Gritten
Director and Co-writer: Madoda Ncayiyana
Co-writer: Julie Frederikse
Cinematographer: Mike Downie
Original Music Score: Sazi Dlamini
Editor: Kosta Kalarytis
Sound Designer: Warrick Sony
1st Assistant Director: Eva Franzen
Line Producer: Frank Perold
World Sales
Dv8 Films
Jeremy Nathan | Moroba Nkawe | Michelle Wheatley
PO Box 308, Parklands, 2121
Johannesburg, South Africa
2010 Verona International African Film Festival
* Audience Award
2009 International Pan African Film Festival in Tarifa, Spain in May, including the Best Actress award for
2009 Cannes Pan-African Film Festival
* Dikalo Award for Best Feature Film
2009 International Film Festival of Kerala
* Best Debut Film
2009 Zanzibar International Film Festival
* Signis Award for Best Film
Tembi, una niña de diez años, y Kwezi, su hermano menor, pierden a su madre. Su tía debe ocuparse de ellos, pero se limita a vender lo poco que tienen antes de desaparecer. Su único patrimonio es una alfombrilla zulú hecha por su madre antes de morir. Tembi decide hacerse cargo del destino de ambos, y convence a su hermano para que vayan a la gran ciudad de Durban. Una vez allí, no saben qué hacer en la terrible metrópoli. Incluso la fuerte unión entre los hermanos se ve amenazada por una ciudad monstruosa que podría acabar con los dos jóvenes y valientes protagonistas.
Izulu lami (Mi cielo secreto | Mon ciel secret | My Secret Sky)
Madoda Ncayiyana
Sudáfrica – 2008- 90′- Digibeta – color – VO zulú – Subtitulado español
Dirección / Réalisation / Director: Madoda Ncayiyana
Producción / Production / Producers: DV8 Films, Vuleka Productions
Guión / Scénario / Screenplay: Madoda Ncayiyana, Julie Frederikse
Fotografía / Image / Cinematography: Mike Downie
Sonido / Son / Sound: Warrick Sony
Música / Musique / Music: Sazi Dlamini
Montaje / Montage / Editing : Kosta Kalarytis
Intérpretes / Interprètes / Cast : Sobahle Mkhabase, Sibonelo Malinga, Tshepang Mohlomi, Sanele Ndawo, Sizwe Xaba
Orvoiksi jääneet veljekset Thembi, 10, ja Khwezi, 8, matkaavat maaseudulta Durbanin suurkaupunkiin. Mukanaan heillä on äidin punoma matto, koska kotikylässä vieraillut pappi oli rohkaisuut äitiä osallistumaan matolla käsityökilpailuun. Kun veljekset yrittävät Durbanissa löytää samaisen papin, he ajautuvat 12-vuotiaan kovanaaman Chili Biten johtamaan katulapsijengiin. Katuelämää lasten näkökulmasta tuoreesti lähestyvä elokuva vakuuttaa inhimillisyydellään ja loistavien lapsinäyttelijöiden voimin. Vaikka lasten elämä on vaaroja täynnä, elokuva luo toivoa paremmasta tulevaisuudesta.
Etelä-Afrikka | 2009 | 93 min
Ohjaaja: Madoda Ncayiyana
Elokuva on zulunkielinen ja tekstitetty englanniksi.
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