Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 2004
Haïti : la fin des chimères ?
Pays concerné : Haïti
Durée : 70 minutes
Genre : politique
Type : documentaire
Tourné au moment des commémorations du bicentenaire de la République haïtienne, ce film met en perspective l’actualité brûlante et tragique d’Haïti avec pour toile de fond son histoire singulière. Celle d’esclaves qui se libèrent du joug de leurs maîtres et fondent la première république Noire au monde. Un moment d’autant plus opportun qu’il a catalysé le mouvement d’opposition au Président Aristide, et précipité son départ…
2004, Haiti, Documentaire, 52′, Vidéo, Couleur, V.O. S.-T.F.
Durée du film : 70′
Pays : France
Année de production : 2004
Auteur / Réalisateur : Charles Najman
Production :
Dominant 7 Productions
ARTE France
Ventes Internationales : Doc & Film International
2004, Haiti, Documentaire, 52′, Vidéo, Couleur, V.O. S.-T.F.
Durée du film : 70′
Pays : France
Année de production : 2004
Auteur / Réalisateur : Charles Najman
Production :
Dominant 7 Productions
ARTE France
Ventes Internationales : Doc & Film International
Haiti: the end of the chimères?
HAITI: THE END OF THE « CHIMÈRES »?, shot in the beginning of 2004 during the Haitian bicentennial celebration sheds new light on the last days of the presidency of Aristide, the ex-priest of the poor become dictator’s apprentice. This in-depth inquiry provides much food for thought on the history of the world’s first black republic, on a nation divided between the memory of its glorious revolution, and the tragic litany of the despots that have prostrated the country since its independence.Through the testimonies of the persons interviewed by the filmmaker we discover and start to understand Haiti – not only the present, fragile situation and uncertain future of the country, but also the symbolic and political value of its little known past.
In Haïti: the end of the chimères? we encounter the key actors on the Haitian political scene, the President’s unconditional supporters, the dissidents, his opponents, ordinary citizens and the disillusioned chimères of Sun City, who no longer know what to think about the man who was the incarnation of their last hopes…
A film by Charles Najman
Running time : 70′
Country : France
Year of production : 2004
Author/ Director : Charles Najman
Production : Dominant 7 Productions ARTE France
International Sales: Doc & Film International
In Haïti: the end of the chimères? we encounter the key actors on the Haitian political scene, the President’s unconditional supporters, the dissidents, his opponents, ordinary citizens and the disillusioned chimères of Sun City, who no longer know what to think about the man who was the incarnation of their last hopes…
A film by Charles Najman
Running time : 70′
Country : France
Year of production : 2004
Author/ Director : Charles Najman
Production : Dominant 7 Productions ARTE France
International Sales: Doc & Film International
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