Fiche Film
LONG Métrage | 1958
Gare centrale | باب الحديد
Titre original : Bab El Hadid
Date de sortie en France : 13/03/1974
Pays concerné : Égypte
Support : 35 mm
Durée : 76 minutes
Genre : drame
Type : fiction


Kenaoui a trouvé un petit boulot à la gare centrale du Caire. Il tombe amoureux de la belle Hanouna, vendeuse de limonade, mais celle-ci doit épouser Abou-Serib, un leader syndical. Le rôle de Kenaoui (parfois écrit « Kennawi ») est tenu par Youssef Chahine lui-même qui invente là un cinéma libre et révolté.

avec Hind Rostom, Farid Shawky, Youssef Chahine, Hasan al-Baroudy.

Scénario : Abdel Hay Abid, Mohamed Abou Youssef, d’après un sujet d’Abdel Hay Adib
Image : Alevise Orfanilli
Décors : Abbas Helmi
Son : Aziz Fadel
Musique : Fouad Al Zahiri (avec un extrait de la musique du Poison (The lost Week-end) de Miklós Rózsa (1945)
Direction artistique : Gabriel Karraze
Maquillage : Sayed Mohamal, Hamdi Radfat
Montage : Kamal Abou Ela
Assistants réalisateur : Abou Youssef, Gamal El-Din

Production et distribution initiale : Gabriel Talhami, avec Haig Kevorkian, Mohamad Haggag
Durée : 1 h 35 ou 1h16.
Noir et blanc
Première : 20 janvier 1958 au Caire
Sortie en France : 13 mars 1974

Kennawi (parfois écrit Kennaoui) / Youssef Chahine
Hanouma / Hind Rostom
Abou Serih (parfois écrit Abou Serib) / Farid Chawqui
Madbouli / Hassan al Baroudi
Abdel Aziz Khalil;
Naima Wasfy;
Said Khalil;
Abdel Ghani Nagdi;
Loutfi El Hakim;
Abdel Hamid Bodaoha;
F. El Demerdache;
Said El Araby;
Ahmed Abaza;
Hana Abdel Fattah;
Safia Sarwat;
Asaad Kellada;
Sherine Soheir.


Cairo Station
Cairo’s central station. In this microcosm where passions intersect, Kenaoui, a disabled beggar, is in love with Hanouma, an illicit street vendor, who he dreams of marrying. She prefers Abou Serib, an activist porter, who dreams of creating a union. Blinded by jealousy, Kenaoui kills another young girl then tries to kidnap Hanouma, but is prevented by the people who live in the station. A story of love and madness, Gare centrale (Central Station) was Youssef Chahine’s eleventh film. He himself played Kenaoui and his choice of subject, with its strong erotic charge, was a provocation to Egyptian censorship at the time.

Egypt 1958, 35mm, b/w, 76 min. Arabic with English subtitles

Written by Abd al-Hayy Adib. Photographed by Alvizi Orfanellí.

Hind Rustum (as Hind Rostom), Farid Shawky, Youssef Chahine, Hasan al-Baroudy.

Chahine himself stars in this melodrama of poverty and sexual frustration that shocked Arab audiences in the 1950s. The filmmaker is remarkably effective as a crippled newsvendor who lives alone in a squalid, pinup-lined shack and whose obsession with a beautiful young lemonade stand vendor leads inevitably towards violence. One of the decisive turning points in Chahine’s long career, Cairo Station marked a new visual daring and embrace of ambitious and controversial subject matter, an attempt to rejuvenate formula-driven mainstream Egyptian cinema by judiciously adding formal and thematic elements from both neorealism and German expressionism.



2009 | African Film Festival – BAM-PAF (University of California, Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive) | BERKELEY, Ca, United States | January 25, 2009 – February 22, 2009 |
* Selected [In Memory of Youssef Chahine (January 25, 1926-July 27, 2008)]



فيلم باب الحديد
بطولة: هند رستم – فريد شوقي – يوسف شاهين
اخراج يوسف شاهين
انتاج عام 1958
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